Resep Roti Maryam Original Praktis. Cukup 3 Bahan Saja!
Nikmati roti maryam dengan, parutan keju, susu kental manis, coklat, selai atau menurut selera bunda semuanya.
Resep Roti Maryam Original
Bahan - bahan
- 200 gram tepung terigu
- 30 gram margarin
- 2 butir kuning telur
- 1/4 sendok teh garam
- 80 ml air hangat
Cara membuat roti maryam
Campurkan semua bahan-bahan di atas seperti tepung terigu, margarin, kuning telur, garam dan 80 ml air hangat menjadi satu dan uleni sampai kalis.
Bagi adonan menjadi 5 bagian, lalu bentuk bulat-bulat, kemudian olesi dengan margarin,
Tutup adonan dengan plastik dan diamkan selama 1 jam.
Cara Mencetak Roti Maryam
1. Pipihkan adonan menggunakan jari dengan cara menariknya pelan-pelan di tempat yg datar.. Lalu olesi atas adonan dengan margarin cair sampai rata
2. Gulung memanjang
3. Gulung melingkar seperti konde
4. Lalu tipiskan lagi atau lebih jelasnya bisa bunda lihat gambar di atas.
Setelah itu panaskan teflon lalu panggang roti Maryam di atas api kecil, sambil di bolak-balik, dan tunggu sampai berubah warna menjadi coklat kering, dan angkat
Selesai, selamat mencoba
Resep by Maryam Maeco
Aetna Health Insurance Company started its operation since 1850. They are dedicated in helping individuals achieved security in terms of health and financial. Aetna provides its members useful information to help them decide which insurance works for them. They provide insurance for employers around 50 states of America. Aetna's customers are mostly employers, individuals, students, and hourly or part-time workers. Their products and services include medical, dental, vision, disability, pharmacy, life, student, pet and behavioral health.Aetna Health Insurance gives affordable coverage. From their wide range of services available, for sure there is one that's right for you. Aetna will even help you to choose a plan that's best for you. You will get help in accessing whatever care you need. Whatever the situation maybe, you will be assured that Aetna will provide you the help that you need in order to live a healthier life and in getting the most of your health dollars. You can even cover your pet in their Pet Insurance. Like any of your family members, animals also have health needs. It will let you manage your cost in treating your pet's injuries and illnesses. Included in pet insurance policies are lab test, surgery and visit to a licensed veterinarian and specialists.
Aetna Health Insurance has a symbol of AET at NY Stock Exchange. They have over 19 million members for medical, 14 million members for dental and 11 million pharmacy members. At present they have more than 920,000 health care professional, 528,000 doctors and specialist and 5,112 hospitals. They have been recognized worldwide and have been named by Fortune magazine as the Most Admired Company for Health Care. Some other awards they have received are: 2008 CRO's 100 Best Corporate Citizens, 2008 Health Literacy Awards, first in Payer View Rankings 2008, 2007 Behavioral Health Awards, Corporate Leadership Award, 2006 Innovation Award, 2004 HERA Award and more.